thumb Uido Truija (born in 1944) is an Estonian lawyer and writer. He was born in Vastseliina, Võrumaa, and graduated from Tallinn Maritime School as a shipmaster. Uido Truija acquired his academic education in Moscow Juridical Distance Learning Institute in the faculty of law. He has sailed seas from Arctic to Antarctic, worked as a prosecutor, economic lawyer and advocate. ==Works by Uido Truija== * ''Eesti aastal 2044'' (''Estonia in the year 2044'', 1994) * ''Elu planeedil Maa'' (''Life on Planet Earth'', 2001) * ''Vanad roomlased Tallinnas'' (''Old Romans in Tallinn'', 2002) * ''Liivimaa neitsi'' (''Maiden of Livonia'', 2004) * ''Popullo'' (2005) * ''Kurzeme printsess'' (''Princess of Kurzeme'', 2006) * ''Idataevasse kerkib Veevalaja'' (''Aquarius Rises to the Eastern Sky'', 2008) * ''Meresoolased huuled' (Sea Salty Lips, 2008) * ''Meresoolased huuled. Teine raamat'' (''Sea Salty Lips. Second book'', 2009) * ''Meresoolased huuled. Kolmas raamat'' (''Sea Salty Lips. Third book'', 2010) * ''Pisaraterajal huika mind videvikusorrina, mu arm'' (''On a Trail of Tears Hoot Me as a Night Hawk, My Love'', 2010) * ''Kui võim läheb hulluks'' (''When Power Goes Mad'', 2012) * ''Оплеуха человечеству'' (''Slap in the Face of Mankind'', 1999) * ''Geopoliitiline katastroof'' (''Geopolitical Catastrophe'', 2014) * ''Emotsioonide vang'' (''Imprisoned by Emotions'', 1999) * ''Mul suri koer ära'' (''My Dog is Dead'', 2014) * ''Lubadus'' (''Promise''. A Short Story à la Chekhov, 2014) * ''Sotsialistlik seaduslikkus ja armastus'' (''The Socialist Legality and Love''. A short story, 2014) * Punane terror valgub üle riigipiiri (Red Terror Spills Across the State Border, 2015) * Luulehelbed. Luuletused Uido Truija teostest 2005 - 2015. ("Flakes of Poetry". Poems from the works of Uido Truija 2005 - 2015) 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Uido Truija」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク